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Semalt SEO Art

Table of Contents

  1. The Broader View
  2. Semalt SEO Art
  3. Semalt's SEO Art Tools
  4. Wrapping It Up
The web world is different from the real world. If you want to succeed in this world, master the art of SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

There are many SEO providers, and all claim to provide the best results. However, not all succeed all the time. There are many instances where SEO providers leave their clients disappointed and unhappy.

Do you know the real reason behind their failure?

It happens because they consider SEO as only a task. They have learned some parameters and work only to meet them. It doesn't matter if clients get results or not.

The Broader View

Considering the broader picture, proper planning and effective strategy are necessary for winning the SEO game. And to make plans and strategies, understanding the business as well as it's clients/ customers is essential.

If you run a business, you might have a complete understanding of your clients/ customers. But, there is no guarantee that the company you have hired for SEO has people aware of your business and audience.
It is also one of the reasons why clients don't get the desired results. If you are a dissatisfied customer, you can do any of the following two things:
  1. Learn everything about SEO and conquer this online world.
  2. Hire SEO services of a company or people experienced in your niche.
SEO work requires a deep understanding of the client's business, objectives, and information about its competitors. It helps in formulating a precise plan and strategy according to the specific business needs.

This kind of approach is only possible when you consider SEO as an art, not just any job or task. When you do this, you get the most relevant results in the least possible time.

If you are not an SEO expert, take the help of an SEO provider that considers SEO as an art, not just a task.

Semalt SEO Art

An SEO provider for whom SEO services are nothing less than art is Semalt. The experienced SEO experts at Semalt are passionate about their work. This kind of attitude not only separates them from others but also brings desired results earlier than expected.

Semalt is a Digital Marketing Company that provides every solution to succeed in the online world. Whether you run an online business, blog, or have a website to inform about your business/ service, Semalt has experts to fulfill all your SEO objectives.

The passionate workforce of Semalt makes consistent SEO efforts to enhance the visibility of a website in SERPs. Semalt's workforce is filled with this passion because they do not consider SEO as a task that they have to complete in a specific duration. They are passionate because SEO is art at Semalt.

Semalt's SEO Art Tools

Semalt provides almost all sorts of Digital Marketing services. But, all of them are not part of its SEO Art. The tools part of the Semalt's SEO Art are:


AutoSEO is a unique and automatic SEO tool that helps in promoting a website. It is most beneficial for people aiming to enhance the online presence of their business without spending much.

Every person with a website is not a master of SEO. Some people don't even want to spend much like big players. But, every website owner wants a higher rank on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). This tool satisfies all.

AutoSEO helps with the following:
  • Website Optimization: It makes your website more friendly to search engines, trustworthy, and in accord with Google policies.
  • Improves Website Visibility: The consistent promotion made by AutoSEO for top visitor-generating keywords improves the visibility of a website on Google. 
  • Attract New Visitors: As it improves the visibility and ranking of a website on search results, more people are attracted to it.

Features of AutoSEO

The primary features of AutoSEO include:
  • Website Analysis: It is the complete analysis of a website and includes its structure, type of content, keywords, and many other things.
  • Website Error Correction: It includes the correction of errors found on a website after the analysis.
  • Identifying niche-related websites and building links: It includes identifying other sites in your website's niche and building links on them.
  • Customer Support: In addition to the outstanding AutoSEO tool, the customer service team of Semalt is always ready to resolve all sorts of SEO-related issues of its clients. 
You can try it now for FREE by clicking here.

Full SEO

Full SEO is the advanced way of Semalt to top the Google search results. This service is a comprehensive and precise solution for everyone looking to rank higher on the search results page.

SEO efforts manually done by experts bring the finest results in a very short period. This service includes several operations on internal as well as external website optimization to get the best results quickly.

Full SEO is not only an advanced approach to top the search results but also helps with the following:
  • Overhauling of the whole website: SEO experts at Semalt perform numerous types of internal and external optimizations, SEO text writing, error fixation, and a lot of other things to make the online presence of your business successful.
  • Positive ROI: Semalt claims that Full SEO is a profitable investment, and the ROI it makes is 700%. This figure shows that Full SEO is a robust and feasible solution.
  • Long-term Benefits: The experts at Semalt make sure that the results from Full SEO are quick, effective, and remain beneficial for a long time.

Features of Full SEO

The primary features of Full SEO include:
  • Analysis: It is carried out by the SEO Team guided by a Personal Manager, and involves checking a website for Google filters, selecting the relevant commercial keywords, analyzing the website structure, and gathering information about competitors.
  • Internal Optimization: Internal optimization helps in meeting the basic provisions required for ranking higher on Google's search engine results page. It involves the creation of meta tags, writing SEO text, removing errors, and much more.
  • Link Creation: The next feature of Full SEO is the creation of links. Semalt experts analyze the already existing links of your site and remove unnatural ones. Then they create and interlink niche-related links into the content. This process helps in achieving a higher rank on Google.
  • Customer Support: In Full SEO, a dedicated Personal Manager monitors your daily progress and keeps you updated about every change. Moreover, you regularly get detailed analytical reports about your Full SEO campaign. 
You can immediately start with the Full SEO campaign for your website by clicking here.   

E-Commerce SEO

E-Commerce SEO is an ultimate stand-alone service designed specifically to make online businesses successful. This service promotes your online business to your potential customers. The primary objective of this service is to increase the customer base and not just visitors to a particular online store.

There is a dedicated team of professionals who first evaluate your niche, your competitors, and then come up with an effective strategy to improve the ranking and visibility of your online business.

Below are the E-Commerce SEO statistics at a glance:

In addition to the promotion of your online business, the E-Commerce SEO service also helps with the following:
  • Increasing Customer Base: The online promotion under E-Commerce SEO is conversion-oriented. The strategy prepared by Semalt experts also aims to resolve transactional queries belonging to your niche. People get answers to their queries when they visit your online store.
  • Rank for Low-frequency Keywords: The fact with people using low-frequency keywords is that most of them are potential customers. SEO experts at Semalt attract new customers with the use of low-frequency keywords in all promotional strategies.
  • Pay for Results: Most E-Commerce stores belong to startups or new entrants. As online business is demanding, smart and effective utilization of financial resources becomes essential. E-Commerce SEO service from Semalt always brings results. It means your investment brings outstanding results.

Features of E-Commerce SEO

The primary features of E-Commerce SEO include:
  • Analysis: E-Commerce SEO service also has a dedicated team headed by Personal Manager. They scan your e-commerce store for any Google penalties impacting its Google Trust score. The analysis also includes checking your content, technologies used, the structure of the site, and identification of commercial keywords.
  • Internal Optimization: In E-Commerce SEO, internal optimization includes checking and improving/ creating every minor as well as major detail that can affect the usability and position of an e-commerce site.
  • Link Creation: This process comprises filtering the website links and getting rid of unnatural ones. Then, experts hand-pick the links relevant to the niche of the e-commerce site and place them strategically in the content.
  • Customer Support: E-Commerce SEO service provides the most comprehensive customer support. In addition to the support provided to Full SEO clients, E-Commerce SEO clients get personal recommendations about improving customer base and sales. 
If you want to improve your E-Commerce business, click here.

Wrapping It Up

SEO is just a task or part of the job for many, but it is art for some. Genuine and long-lasting results come from the ones considering SEO as art. 

Semalt is one of the few SEO providers where SEO is considered as art. Its workforce is passionate about SEO and remains updated with every change happening in the SEO world. If SEO is Art, Semalt has the artists to paint your online presence beautifully.